The submission by the applicant must be an innovative and prototyped solution with a minimum Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of 5, with the ability to demonstrate measurable system, subsystem and/or system component improvements in potable water production, distribution and management methods. The solution must be developed and executed by the applicant with the aim of improving the provision of safe drinking water in line with World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines. It is preferred if the solution can operate on renewable energy once deployed in the field without affecting its economic viability. The submission should preferably be a solution that is easily installed, operated and maintained without the need for highly specialised skills and tools and should be able to operate reliably in different and harsh ambient conditions, using low cost and maintenance friendly technology.
Intended Applicants:
Individuals or teams from non-profit, educational and academic institutions and research centres that are independent or annexed to governmental or semi-governmental organisations.
Additional Requirements:
Please attach any letters of recommendation from the organisation(s) endorsing the project when submitting your application.
In addition to the category description, the application must be submitted by the project team, and endorsed by their UAE institution (research / educational / corporate / non-profit institution) and any third-party sponsor(s) if applicable.
The application must demonstrate that the concept or solution was developed, tested, prototyped, or deployed in the UAE.
Prize Money and Distribution:
Prize money will be awarded to the sponsoring institution/entity directly (not the project team). A prize distribution agreement between the sponsoring institution and the project shall be provided and submitted to the Applications Team. The sponsoring institution shall be responsible for further distribution of the prize as per the prize distribution agreement.
Total prize value is $200,000 and is distributed as follows:
1st Place: $100,000
2nd Place: $60,000
3rd Place: $40,000
In addition to the category description, the application must be submitted by the project team and endorsed by the non-UAE institution (research / educational/ corporate / non-profit institution) and any third-party sponsor(s) if applicable.
Prize Money and Distribution:
Prize money will be awarded to the sponsoring institution/entity directly (not the project team). A prize distribution agreement between the sponsoring institution and the project shall be provided and submitted to the Applications Team. The sponsoring institution shall be responsible for further distribution of the prize as per the prize distribution agreement.
Total prize value is $200,000 and is distributed as follows:
1st Place: $100,000
2nd Place: $60,000
3rd Place: $40,000